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My Story

I was born with the gift of intuitive touch. In high school, I worked on my friends' heads and necks to help ease their stress headaches. My fingers found the right spots, and their headaches would disappear. I didn't question it, it was a part of me.


After college, I enrolled at AKS Massage School for their certification program. This was a life-changing experience. Exposed to a myriad of bodywork techniques and modalites, I graduated drawn towards the power of medicinal plants, energy work, and reflexology.


I believe in constant improvement and indulge my natural curiosity. When I am not with my clients, I am most likely in a book, cooking, or in my garden.


My Approach

Create a safe, inviting space;

Soft, soothing strokes;

Encourage gentle rebalance;

Pain does not mean progress;

Expertise, Intuition, and intermingling Modalities produce the most profound changes.

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